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Tom Carroll has been assisting Doc in after hours emergencies and surgeries for the past 30 years.  His great sense of humour and love of all creatures great and small have made him an invaluable asset to the practice.

Tom has been trained to assist in surgery and anesthesia. His excellent animal care and handling skills ensure that your pet has a comfortable stay in our hospital.  He is always ready to help and answer any of your questions and share a joke or story.

Tom’s hands on skill as a licensed journeyman carpenter comes in handy in the clinic.  Tom’s amazing talent as a professional artist can be seen on the walls in our hospital.  The many beautiful painting and etchings found on the walls in the hospital have been created by Tom.

When not working in the clinic Tom can be found playing with the dogs and horses or in his studio painting or printmaking or on the farm hauling in logs to transform into wood for furniture and instrument building